Fat Lama, the site to share objects. Because experiences, not things, make for happiness
Fat Lama wants to revolutionise the way people consume. The site will allow users to share their objects, combining trust and sustainability.
Fat Lama wants to revolutionise the way people consume. The site will allow users to share their objects, combining trust and sustainability.
A Tiger in Suburbia. This is the name of the Christmas advert signed WWF UK that brings the plight of an endangered species directly into a suburban family’s home. “An ordinary family wake up one day to find a huge tiger in their home. What magical world has it come from, and how will it ever
La sopravvivenza della tribù brasiliana degli Yanomami è a rischio a causa dei minatori. Survival ha diffuso nuove immagini per attirare l’attenzione sul genocidio delle tribù incontattate.
Violenti bombardamenti hanno colpito due ospedali nella giornata di sabato ad Aleppo, in Siria. Oltre cento i morti tra i civili, compresi 17 bambini.
Sharia is the Islamic canonical law based on the teachings of the Koran (Qur’an) and the Prophet Muhammad: a set of disciplines and principles that govern the behaviour of a Muslim towards others including with regards to investments or financial services. Sharia explains the Islamic concepts of money and capital, the relationship between risk and profit, and the social
The two web giants have been sharply criticised for spreading fake news that influenced the Trump-Clinton presidential debate. And now they’re taking remedial action.
Uno scandalo che coinvolge anche colossi come Samsung e Hyundai sta facendo rivoltare la popolazione contro la presidente della Corea del Sud.
Some are saying the Italian constitutional referendum could threaten Europe: find out what is really at stake when Italians vote on the 4th of December. The reform explained in 5 points.
Dedicating a day to kindness is an interesting and careless idea with heavy consequences. Hopefully, at least. Because this word can inspire positive feelings and useful discussions, mostly if we think about how many big personalities have interpreted it. The Dalai Lama, 1989 Nobel peace prize winner, encourages people to adopt a “policy of kindness”
José Pepe Mujica, ex presidente dell’Uruguay, è in Italia per presentare il suo ultimo libro Una pecora nera al potere, la politica della gente. Nella tappa milanese ha dialogato con Petrini e Sepúlveda, sulla felicità.