Google Earth shows global warming

Google Earth shows global warming

How much has temperature in your region raised? Did global warming modify the climate of your country? The answer is just a click away.   You only need to download CRUTEM4 for Google Earth, released by the research unit (UEA CRU) of the University of East Anglia. It contains temperature data collected by 6,000 weather stations

The Rohingya: the invisible community persecuted by Buddhists

The Rohingya: the invisible community persecuted by Buddhists

Rohingya people are a Muslim ethnical group living in the Burmese Rakhine State, a region that overlooks the Gulf of Bengal and borders with Bangladesh. Until 1989 these lands were also known as Arakan, whilst Rohingya people’s presence in Rakhine dates back to the 7th century. Today, they account to 800,000 people out of 4

The disappearance of the monarch butterfly

The disappearance of the monarch butterfly

The number of monarch butterflies that have migrated from the United States to the forest covered peaks of the Sierra Madre in Mexico has continued to decline this year. In December 2013 only 35 million individuals of the most popular butterfly in the whole of North America migrated, coming to inhabit 6,700 square metres of

Which country works hardest for climate

Which country works hardest for climate

Although for the first time results let us hope that CO2 emissions are decreasing globally, there are no countries holding the top three positions in the 2014 edition of the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) jointly released by Germanwatch and the European Climate Change Network (CCN). No country, in fact, is on the right track to keep the

World’s most polluted cities

World’s most polluted cities

Dopo la notizia sui livelli di polveri sottili fuori controllo rilevati a Pechino, l’Economist ha pubblicato il grafico delle città più inquinate al mondo.

Vietnam, climate crisis

Vietnam, climate crisis

In Vietnam il cambiamento climatico costerà circa quattro miliardi di dollari, mentre il costo del lavoro aumenterà per via della riduzione della produttività causando perdite per 8 miliardi.

What are carbon credits?

What are carbon credits?

Imagine a stock exchange where a multitude of brokers scream to sell and buy. Calls, handshakes, shouts. But there’s something different. Brokers do not exchange stocks, but… trees.