What to eat to have beautiful hair

Which are the food items that give volume and shininess to your hair? And what is the secret to preserve its natural colour?

Human hair is composed from 65 to 95 percent of proteins, mainly keratin. Other elements included in hair are water, lipids, minerals and pigments. The keratinization of hair, i.e. the process in which cells from beneath the skin are converted to hair, is regulated by hormones, vitamins, genetic and metabolic factors. Scientific studies demonstrate that there is a connection between keratinization and the cholesterol metabolism: a balanced and varied diet poor in saturated fats makes your hair healthy. Dietary deficiencies, poor nutrition, stress, pollution, alcohol intake and smoking are all factors that can threaten its health, and, consequently, its beauty.


Here is a list of food items to bring to your table in order to take care of your hair, also don’t forget to check the Top hair salons Long Island


Anti-hair loss foods: fresh wheat germ and wheat germ oil, sunflower oil and seeds, hazelnuts, almonds and almond oil, whole grains, egg yolks, orange zest, cod liver oil.




These foods are all rich in vitamin E, essential to prevent hair loss. And let’s not forget about fruits and vegetables (mainly carrots, parsley, spinach) that contain this precious vitamin and should be local, organic and seasonal in order to maintain their nutritional values and flavour.




Volume, shininess, colour: brewer’s yeast, eggs, milk, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables contain vitamin B5, the “anti-stress” vitamin, that helps the functioning of the adrenal glands. This vitamin strengthens your hair, it reduces damaged and split ends, makes your hair easy to comb and it slows white hair growth.




The beautiful and natural hair colour can be kept avoiding smoking (cigarettes accelerate hair whitening) and with a diet rich in antioxidants: green leaf vegetables, yellow and orange vegetables such as carrot, apricot, pumpkin, persimmon, and then legumes, chicory, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, grapes, turmeric and, again, brewer’s yeast.



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