7 foods that help you sleep

7 foods that help you sleep

Our eating habits influence our sleep. Here’s a list of 7 foods that facilitate sleeping according to experts, described by Melissa Breyer on treehugger.com. 1 Cherry juice Researchers of Louisiana State University found that adults with insomnia who were told to drink cherry juice twice a day for two weeks slept 84 minutes more in 14 days

Home-made crunchy granola

Home-made crunchy granola

A quick recipe to prepare crunchy granola at home with mixed seeds and nuts. Top your favourite yogurt for a delicious breakfast.

Energy and happiness in food: towards a nutri-emotional indicator

Energy and happiness in food: towards a nutri-emotional indicator

Sharing a meal with friends has different effects on anxiety and mood from those produced by a quick meal eaten alone and almost without chewing. Sharing a meal increases the score of the nutri-emotional indicator in every food. Regardless of the specific score of a food item, the environment where one consumes it modifies its rating.  

Let’s keep organic pure. As the business grows, so does the need for protection

Let’s keep organic pure. As the business grows, so does the need for protection

The advent of the new millennium has seen the rapid, unstoppable growth of what is now the hugely popular organic movement. A multi-billion dollar industry in the United States, in many cases organic means big business, led by corporations often attempting to cut corners in order to maximize profits. Consumers can choose to buy from