Moroccan salad

Moroccan salad

Ingredients 300 g of carrots 2 cups of cooked chickpeas 100 g of prunes juice of a half lemon 4/5 leaves of fresh mint half teaspoonful of cumin seeds cayenne pepper 1 teaspoonful of acacia honey toasted almond flakes rose petals extra virgin olive oil marine salt     Preparation Pan-fry the cumin seeds for

The secret for a perfect juice

The secret for a perfect juice

Even in the winter, a good home-made fruit juice can be a panacea. It provides useful vitamins for the prevention of seasonal ailments and helps replacing the mineral salts lost through sweat in summer months. In order for our juices to keep unchanged their beneficial properties, it is important to know which appliance is the

Solidale italiano, respectful of people and the land

Solidale italiano, respectful of people and the land

When you think about fair trade the world’s Southern countries are off the top of your head. As well as coffee and cocoa plantations, tropical fruits and sugar cane. In a virtuous circle of production and marketing of sustainable food that since 1988 provides fair wages and promotes respect for people and the environment, Solidale

7 foods to lower inflammation and reduce belly fat

7 foods to lower inflammation and reduce belly fat

Fruits and vegetable All types of fruits and vegetables are rich in fibers and antioxidants. You should be eating them in profusion every day if you want to relieve a chronic inflammation. The essential thing is to buy fresh, colourful, and in season vegetables. Legumes and wholegrain cereals They control the insulin response; insulin resistance