Connect4Climate wins the Global Green Oscar

Connect4Climate wins the Global Green Oscar

You may associate the Oscars with the colour gold but they have taken on an entirely new shade. Green. The winners of the 13th edition of the Global Green Oscars, organised by Global Green USA, were Connect4Climate, the United Nations Foundation and Global Green Champions including schoolchildren gardeners. The ceremony, which also saw Stevie Wonder perform,

The troubled coexistence between litter and wildlife in Chris Packham’s photos

The troubled coexistence between litter and wildlife in Chris Packham’s photos

British TV presenter and naturalist Chris Packham recently unveiled a series of wildlife photographs aimed at raising environmental awareness amongst the young. The shots, which are being exhibited in London, were taken in England and Scotland and portray the impact of litter on local wildlife. They were specially commissioned by supermarket chain Lidl UK as part of a

Al Gore is back to talk about climate change with a message of hope

Al Gore is back to talk about climate change with a message of hope

Who loved An Inconvenient Truth, Davis Guggenheim’s documentary film about climate change that won two Academy Awards in 2007, probably can’t help welcoming with relief the latest “interpretation” of Al Gore, United States Vice President during Bill Clinton’s administration and Nobel Peace Prize, in his latest (the fourth) Ted Talk. Recorded in Vancouver, Canada, in

Gorillas hum and sing while they eat

Gorillas hum and sing while they eat

Sembra che cantare sia per i gorilla un modo di esprimere soddisfazione per il loro pasto. Questa scoperta potrebbe aiutare a far luce sull’evoluzione del linguaggio nei primi esseri umani.

Copenhagen is home to the world’s first supermarket selling only expired food

Copenhagen is home to the world’s first supermarket selling only expired food

People were queuing up for the opening of the world’s first supermarket selling only expired food. WeFood was inaugurated in Copenhagen by Crown Princess Mary herself and will be managed by the volunteers of the association Folkekirkens Nødhjælp.     The project is aimed at reducing food waste levels, particularly of those groceries that are still