Reforestation and soil conservation. This is how Yacouba Sawadogo, a simple farmer, and his family solved the desertification crisis in his village.
Moving, symbolic and almost dreamlike images. Here is what you feel like when you fly above the ruins of a modern city.
The documentary filmed by the young videomaker Danny Cooke (born in 1985) for the Cbs, shows the ghost town of Chernobyl, 30 years after the explosion of the nuclear reactor.
He states that: “Chernobyl is one of the most interesting and dangerous places I’ve been. The nuclear disaster, which happened in 1986 (the year after I was born), had and effect on so many people, including my family when we lived in Italy. The nuclear dust clouds swept westward towards us, while the Italian police went round and threw away all the local produce and my mother rushed out to purchase as much tinned milk as possible”.
Thinking about these days, he remembers his parents’ warnings: “Don’t drink the water, don’t play on the ground, don’t drink the milk”. And all seemed so obscure. How was it possible not to touch the grass?
Looking at that funfair that should have been functioning a few days after the explosion, a question arises: can we allow such a tragic event to take place?
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Reforestation and soil conservation. This is how Yacouba Sawadogo, a simple farmer, and his family solved the desertification crisis in his village.
Basta una manciata di plastica nello stomaco di un uccello per capire l’immensità del problema della plastica. E risvegliare le nostre coscienze. L’intervista al fotografo Chris Jordan, autore del documentario Albatross.
Four months have passed since the beginning of 2017 and, for many, that means that their New Year’s resolutions are still in mind. The gym is still crowded, your refrigerator is still full of healthy food, but that initial motivation may not be as high as it was on, say, on the 2nd of January. So
An inconvenient sequel: truth to power è il nuovo documentario di Al Gore dopo Una scomoda verità. Il trailer ufficiale è finalmente disponibile.
For 33 years the Late Show was the US television channel CBS’ goodnight to its viewers and its host David Letterman was one of the most innovative and unpredictable broadcasters in the country. Now he faces a new challenge that the producers of the National Geographic show Years of Living Dangerously, Joel Bach and David Gelber, asked him to take
A true mix between hip hop and science: this is the “Rap guide to climate chaos”. A musical explaining the risks of climate change also performed at Cop 21.
Once again Thom Yorke, lead singer of the band Radiohead, actively took part in initiatives aimed to raise awareness on the issue of climate change in occasion of Paris COP21, the 21st global conference on climate. RT if you stand with @thomyorke for tough action on climate change at #COP21 (it’s fake snow) #ClimateMarch pic.twitter.com/FqcosRUrCe —
Massive Attack’s founder Robert “3D” Del Naja realeased the soundtrack to the short film entitled La Fête est Finie (The party is over) with hip hop group Young Fathers and producer Forest Swords. The film will be premiered at Le Trianon theatre in Paris, where the negotiations on climate change are currently taking place, ahead of concerts by Thom Yorke,
Earlier in 2015, the Canadian writer and journalist Naomi Klein has published a book that became a manifesto on climate change and capitalism, entitled This Changes Everything. She starts with the basic assumption that without a radical change in the way world population lives, produces and manages its economic activities, there is no way to avoid environmental destruction.