Michael Moore in TrumpLand, the documentary warning not to vote Trump

Michael Moore in TrumpLand, the documentary warning not to vote Trump

American documentary filmmaker Michael Moore recently surprised the world by releasing a last-minute documentary, Michael Moore in TrumpLand, to denounce the dangers of electing Donald Trump as President of the United States. What is Michael Moore in TrumpLand Shot over the course of four hours on 7th of October at the Murphy Theatre in Wilmington, Ohio, the film documents a talk

Bob Dylan wins the Nobel Prize in Literature 2016

Bob Dylan wins the Nobel Prize in Literature 2016

After more than a decade as one of the nominees for the Nobel Prize in Literature Bob Dylan has finally done it: he won the Swedish Academy’s prestigious recognition. The enigmatic and brilliant songwriter of Duluth, Minnesota unexpectedly won the prize of the 108th edition “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”.

Letter to the youth of Planet Earth

Letter to the youth of Planet Earth

Jane Goodall ha scritto una lettera sul futuro della Terra, per le giovani generazioni. L’occasione è stata il Festival delle lettere di Milano di cui il Jane Goodall institute Italie è charity partner.