Factory farming conditions and antibiotic-resistant pathogens emerging as a result of them pose an existential threat to humans in the form of zoonotic diseases. Why it’s time to produce and consume food more thoughtfully.
Your April’s seasonal groceries should include spring vegetables like asparagus, peas and broad beans. Here’s the list of what’s in season this month.
The mild weather of April is favourable for the ripening of one of the most refined sprouts of this season: asparagus. There are three varieties of this cold resistant vegetable: green, white and purple. Its slightly bitter but scrumptious taste is predominant in many traditional recipes. Asparagus, as well as its wild varieties (wild asparagus and Ferny asparagus) are rich in iron, phosphorus, vitamin A, E, C and group B. They have diuretic properties and contain toxic substances (purines) and oxalic acid that aren’t recommended to those who suffer from kidney disorders. The more they’re fresh, the more they’re tasty. To tell if they are fresh, bend an asparagus spear, if it breaks, it isn’t fresh. Chefs suggest not to boil them too much and to tie them with a string before putting them upright in a pot half full of water, so that the tips stay out of the water and will cook by steaming. Asparagus are easy to digest if they are seasoned with extra virgin olive oil.
Sweet and rich in mineral salts, beetroots are highly recommended to nervous subjects and people who suffer from anemia, but they aren’t for people affected by diabetes. Excellent if served raw with salt and olive oil.
Celeriac leaves and sticks are employed in the same way as those of the celery; the root, instead, which is round in Verona celery and oblong in Praga celery can be served raw or steamed. It contains vitamins, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium.
Only red stalks are edible (the green parts of the leaf can be lethal!). It contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B2, A and C, proteins and carbohydrates. Rhubarbs are laxative, vermifuge, tonic and stomachic plants and they should be consumed in moderation since they may cause heartburn and constipation.
Vitamins, mineral salts and active ingredients are found mostly in wild chicory rather than in cultivated chicory. It contains vitamin A, C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and carbohydrates. It is a natural blood cleanser, effective dermatosis treatment, it lowers sugar levels in the blood and is recommended for people who suffer from anemia.
Asparagus, beetroots, opposite-leaved saltwort, broccoli, artichoke, catalogna chicory, carrot, cauliflower, white cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Brussels sprout, chicory, turnip top, spring onion, sauerkraut, watercress, beetroot tops, broad bean, fennel, endive, lettuce, hops, nettle, pea, leek, rhubarb, red radicchio, turnip, radish, rocket, spinach, dandelion, valerianella, pumpkin.
Orange, lemon, cedar, apple, pear; at the end of the month early strawberries.
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Factory farming conditions and antibiotic-resistant pathogens emerging as a result of them pose an existential threat to humans in the form of zoonotic diseases. Why it’s time to produce and consume food more thoughtfully.
The world of cinema recognises the link between food choices and the climate crisis by offering vegan menus for awards season events, including at the most important of them all: the Oscars.
Let’s look at the reasons behind the growth of veganism in India, as a small yet vocal section of the population turns towards this diet and lifestyle in the largest milk producing country in the world.
by Jeffrey Y. Campbell, Manager of the Forest and Farm Facility at FAO In the Ecuadorian Amazon, Kichwa farmers grow dozens of products on tiny parcels of land. Their lands hum with biodiversity, yielding nutritious foods that have sustained families for generations. Wandering among fruit and nut trees and crops, these indigenous agroforesters fill their baskets
Mint has many health benefits, but in food it’s often accompanied by artificial green colourings. Instead, Galatea has created a green mint ice cream in a completely natural way.
We’re talking about Galatea, a company that produces semi-finished products for artisanal ice creams using high quality ingredients, natural colouring, excluding thickeners and hydrogenated fats, respecting the environment and supporting the less fortunate.
The mad rush to fake food, like fake meat made with genetically-modified soy, ignores the importance of the diversity of our foods and culinary cultures. It’s a recipe to accelerate the destruction of the Planet and our health.
Like with all foods, the quality of an ice cream can be discerned by reading its label. An expert explains how to do this, and tells us how their company steers clear of chemicals, using only natural ingredients to produce an excellent and “free” ice cream.
Quality ingredients, no artificial colouring and hydrogenated fats. These are the main features of a great ice cream. But what makes an ice cream parlour “good”, i.e. sustainable?