I’m a woman, I travel alone, and I love it

I’m a woman, I travel alone, and I love it

If you are a woman and you decided to travel alone, be prepared to the innumerable questions and curiosities that will be asked. Despite being a trend, it could raise wonder among friends and relatives. Many people believe that women travelling alone choose to leave because of distress or the end of a love story,

What to do in Milan in 36 hours, according to The New York Times

What to do in Milan in 36 hours, according to The New York Times

Milan will be the protagonist of 2015. Thanks to Expo Milano 2015, the world exhibition dedicated to food being held from May to October, world tourism will be focused on Milan.  Alongside being ranked among the 10 cities to visit this year by Lonely Planet, the New York Times dedicated its 36 hours column to the city of

Itinerary. Top 10 Italy’s most “appetizing” medieval villages

Itinerary. Top 10 Italy’s most “appetizing” medieval villages

The beauty of some medieval villages demonstrates that the Dark Ages were not so dark. In this period (from the Fifth century to the year one thousand), the agrarian economy and the feudalism encourage the rise of new settlements around abbeys and castles. Many Medieval cities and towns were notable for narrow and winding streets that wrapped themselves