How to stop the global obesity pandemic

How to stop the global obesity pandemic

Obesity is no longer a concern solely of higher income, developed countries. The prevalence of obesity and overweight has risen in all regions, including in low-income countries. Today, nearly half of all countries are struggling with both undernutrition and overweight/obesity. Indeed, undernutrition and obesity often co-exist in the same communities – even in the same household.

Ethiopia, FAO presents its response plan against the worst drought in decades

Ethiopia, FAO presents its response plan against the worst drought in decades

The idea of helping people “on site” so that they decide to remain in their country rather than migrating towards European coasts is increasingly catching on. After all, this would satisfy both those who want to protect their national borders and those who have a solidarity spirit and believe in international cooperation. Thus, why don’t

Why 2016 is the International Year of Pulses

Why 2016 is the International Year of Pulses

The UN nominated 2016 the International year of pulses to celebrate the sustainability of grain legumes that are one of the main ingredients of the diet of the world’s most ancient peoples.

What’s happening at COP21 and who’s leaving their mark

What’s happening at COP21 and who’s leaving their mark

The conference on climate taking place in Paris is hosting a number of celebrities. Actors, politicians, activists, the witnesses of the disasters caused by climate change. From American actor Leonardo DiCaprio to the Latin American indigenous woman Diana Rios, from American former Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore to the progressive Mayor of Barcelona Ada Colau.   They aim