With the water release, Fukushima is overwhelmed again
What led to the Fukushima water release, and what are the impacts of one of the most controversial decisions of the post-nuclear disaster clean-up effort?
What led to the Fukushima water release, and what are the impacts of one of the most controversial decisions of the post-nuclear disaster clean-up effort?
South Korea has flattened the curve of an initially explosive coronavirus outbreak, even holding nationwide elections. The government’s response, rewarded by voters, hasn’t however been immune to criticism, including privacy concerns.
Moon Jae-in wants to win the diplomatic battle with his Northern cousins during the Winter Olympics. In the hope Trump doesn’t start a nuclear war. An East Asia expert on how the South Korean president is accomplishing this task.
The project is similar to New York’s famous High Line constructed on the railway that once connected the Meat Market to Midtown. But in the case of Seoullo 7017 in South Korea’s capital Seoul, a walkway has been constructed on an overpass dating back to 1970 where cars once sped along, and where today people can wander and enjoy the revitalised area. The Seoullo 7017
Moran market, South Korea, is shutting down and will no longer sell dog meat. The decision came ahead of the 2018 Winter Olympics.
La città di Seongnam ha deciso di vietare la macellazione di cani a scopo alimentare. Questo storico provvedimento potrebbe essere di esempio per l’intera nazione.
Uno scandalo che coinvolge anche colossi come Samsung e Hyundai sta facendo rivoltare la popolazione contro la presidente della Corea del Sud.
In a region grappling with excessive pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, climate change-induced droughts and floods, exacerbated by high coal-fuelled energy consumption, countries in Asia are exploring innovative clean and green financing products such as green bonds to move towards a sustainable, low carbon economy. As much as 7 trillion US dollars will need to be spent building new
The opportunity of building cycle superhighways, as the one planned for London, has been recently discussed and they will likely be a future trend. However, in South Korea, a cycle superhighway has been built in the middle of a motorway About 30 km long, the route links Daejeon (South Korea’s fifth largest metropolis) with