Iceland won’t hunt any whales this year and perhaps ever again
For the first time in seventeen years, Iceland’s two main whaling companies won’t resume whale hunting. The announcement concerns this year’s season but could carry into the future.
For the first time in seventeen years, Iceland’s two main whaling companies won’t resume whale hunting. The announcement concerns this year’s season but could carry into the future.
Refusing the anthropocentric vision and respecting the laws of ecology is the only way to safeguard the future of our and all other species, Sea Shepherd President Paul Watson argues in this op-ed.
130 chilometri di reti illegali tolti dal mare. L’ultima campagna di Sea Shepherd nel Mediterraneo è stata un successo, in nome del capodoglio Siso ucciso dalla pesca illegale e dalla plastica. L’editoriale del presidente di Sea Shepherd Italia.
These are the top news stories of 2017 and the people who have most left a mark on a year that has been intense yet also rewarding from the point of view of social and environmental sustainability.
Quella volta che Sea Shepherd è venuta nella redazione di LifeGate e Alex Cornelissen ci ha raccontato la sua storia e le sfide che attendono gli oceani.
L’organizzazione conservazionista ha intercettato la flotta baleniera giapponese nel santuario delle balene nell’Oceano Antartico, area in cui è vietata la caccia ai cetacei.
What makes environmental crimes even more dreadful is impunity. “Across the world environmental defenders are being shot dead in broad daylight, kidnapped, threatened, or tried as terrorists for standing in the way of so-called ‘development’,” said Billy Kyte, campaigner at Global Witness. “The true authors of these crimes – a powerful nexus of corporate and
La nave di Sea Shepherd sosterà a Venezia dall’1 al 7 febbraio, sarà possibile visitarla, conoscere l’equipaggio e sostenere l’organizzazione che protegge la fauna marina del pianeta.
Don’t judge a man by his hat (the one Pharrell wore at the 2014 Grammys and which became an international sensation). Williams, born in 1973 in Virginia, U.S.A., is an international music superstar who has teamed up with the United Nations, Al Gore and Sea Sheperd’s Paul Watson on different occasions but always under the
The two volunteers of the environmental association have been arrested for having tried to obstruct the traditional pilot whale hunting.