For your eyes only, Amnesty’s report on privacy protection in instant messaging

For your eyes only, Amnesty’s report on privacy protection in instant messaging

For your eyes only is human rights organisation Amnesty International’s latest report on the right to online privacy. It ranks 11 tech companies according to their security standards for instant messaging services. Three out of these don’t deploy end-to-end encryption as a default setting on messaging services according to the international organisation, putting users at risk of privacy violations at the

The shots have been called. The first report on global corruption in sport is out

The shots have been called. The first report on global corruption in sport is out

The first ever Global Corruption Report: Sport was presented by Transparency International, the Berlin-based NGO that monitors corruption worldwide, on the 23rd of February. Containing articles from sixty experts, the document aims to restore people’s faith in sport in light of the corruption scandals that have afflicted it in the past few years. The values

Greenland is melting

Greenland is melting

Un reportage del New York Times ha raccontato il lavoro di un team di ricercatori impegnati a studiare l’allarmante scioglimento dei ghiacci della Groenlandia.

Why melting ice affects us all

Why melting ice affects us all

In 40 years, the Arctic will run out of ice during summer months, as proven by the lowest icecap winter extension ever registered by satellites last March. It is a phenomenon involving half of the Arctic ice.     These are some of the effects caused by the on-going climate change, documented by WWF in

Vietnam, climate crisis

Vietnam, climate crisis

In Vietnam il cambiamento climatico costerà circa quattro miliardi di dollari, mentre il costo del lavoro aumenterà per via della riduzione della produttività causando perdite per 8 miliardi.