Larsen C, an iceberg twice the size of Luxemburg had collapsed from Antarctic ice shelf
It finally broke off. The iceberg A68, twice the size of Luxemburg, is no longer part of Antarctica’s Larsen C ice shelf, which could also collapse.
It finally broke off. The iceberg A68, twice the size of Luxemburg, is no longer part of Antarctica’s Larsen C ice shelf, which could also collapse.
Dopo Adidas, anche Stella McCartney annuncia di voler collaborare con Parley for the oceans per ripulire i mari dalla plastica.
A number of US federal states want to stick with the Paris Agreement, in facts. One of them is Hawaii, which has just passed a law, in response to Donald Trump.
Here’s a selection of official statements released by C40 mayors from all over the world speaking up against Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, and confirming their commitment to defending the accord and continuing to fight climate change. Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris and Chair of C40 Cities “Climate
Quella volta che Sea Shepherd è venuta nella redazione di LifeGate e Alex Cornelissen ci ha raccontato la sua storia e le sfide che attendono gli oceani.
La nave sarà varata nel 2020 e ospiterà le strumentazioni più all’avanguardia per la ricerca di plastica nel mare. Il progetto realizzato con il Wwf.
Environmentalists and activists from all over the United States rallied on the 29th of April for the People’s Climate March in Washington DC and in sister marches organised throughout the nation. Last week, the country’s capital welcomed the March for Science and Earth Day rally but organisers say the People’s March was more overtly political, aimed
Scientists from Harvard University in the United States are launching the biggest solar geoengineering programme to date, with a view to study the effects of this technology as a potential fix for global warming. The project due to take off in a few weeks consists of spraying sulphate aerosols about 20 kilometres in height into the Earth’s stratosphere.
Nuove foto scattate vicino a Palm Island documentano il fenomeno dello sbiancamento dei coralli che minaccia la sopravvivenza di questo straordinario ecosistema.
Si chiama Sahara Marathon ed è una maratona tra i campi profughi di Tindouf, in Algeria. Una volta all’anno ci ricorda che la decolonizzazione in Africa non è ancora finita.