Belize bans oil explorations completely to protect its coral reef

Belize bans oil explorations completely to protect its coral reef

Oil isn’t attractive anymore. The coral reef and the ocean are worth more protecting instead. This is the historic decision made by Belize, small Central American country on the border with Mexico and Guatemala that has banned all future oil explorations within its territorial water in order to protect its great barrier reef. The Belize

What is climate change

What is climate change

Climate change is the direct consequence of global warming. Here’s everything you need to know about the causes and effects of one of the biggest threats facing our time.

10 places to visit before they disappear

10 places to visit before they disappear

According to Mother Nature Network, these are the top 10 extraordinary places to visit before they vanish, as they’re threatened by desertification, sea level rise and extreme weather events caused by climate change. Glacier National Park, United States The Glacier National Park, Montana, United States. About 100 years ago, the park was home to 150 glaciers. Now there are only 27