The secret behind sloths’ survival lies in their slowness
Lungi dall’essere un difetto, la snervante lentezza dei bradipi consente a questi animali di ottimizzare le energie e di nascondersi dai predatori.
Lungi dall’essere un difetto, la snervante lentezza dei bradipi consente a questi animali di ottimizzare le energie e di nascondersi dai predatori.
The case of Awas Tingni, a small indigenous Mayangna community in Nicaragua, made history. This year the community celebrates fifteen years since it won the case in Inter-American Court of Human Rights (I-A Court), which ruled that the government should given them entitlement over their ancestral lands – also in order to protect them from exploitation at the
Costa Rica is setting more and more records. Renewable energy supplied almost all the energy produced in 2015 in the Central American country, while in 2016 solar power will prevail. For about two months in a row, to be more precise 76 days, the country hasn’t burnt any fossil fuels. The National Centre for Energy Control wrote in a public
Rio 2016 has a special place in the history of sustainability because of its social and environmental commitments – but also its controversies. In 1996 the International Olympic Committee (IOC) amended the Olympic Charter introducing this concept among its values in order to “encourage and support a responsible concern for environmental issues, to promote sustainable development in
The increasing demand for avocado in the United States and Europe is contributing to deforestation in the Mexican state of Michoacán.
The Colombian government and FARC rebels have finally signed a historic agreement, bringing the country a step away from peace.
Rio’s water network has been privatised to fund the Olympic Games. According to many, this is a political move.
Mexico is struggling with a profound human rights crisis. Unionised teachers have radicalised in response to a reform of the education sector whose main pillar is the adoption of a mechanism that will evaluate teaching capacities through standardised testing instead of investing in teacher training or school facilities. Federal and state police contained a teachers’ protest on the
The new law aims to stop illegal logging in the country. The measure will safeguard teak for 10 years.
The environmental license for one of the most extensive dams in Brazil has been denied. A valuable and sensitive area of the Amazon has been spared.