Threats are never isolated. Peabody Energy exploited Ebola to boost coal sales

Threats are never isolated. Peabody Energy exploited Ebola to boost coal sales

Using the Ebola epidemic to promote coal is pretty far fetched. And yet, that’s exactly that Peabody Energy did. During a conference the American coal company, which has mining interests around the world, linked coal to Ebola in order to promote its own product as a response to Africa’s devastating health crisis. The PR exercise

Coal’s inexorable decline: a mine worth millions is sold for a dollar

Coal’s inexorable decline: a mine worth millions is sold for a dollar

The collapse in coal prices is real. The “Isaac Plains” coking coal mine in Australia, valued at 860 Australian dollars (about $631 million) three years ago has been sold for $1. According to Bloomberg, the Brazilian mining group Vale SA and Japan’s Sumitomo Corp. offloaded the “Isaac Plains” mine for just $1, selling it to

COAL, the French partnership between art and sustainability

COAL, the French partnership between art and sustainability

Although art is free and unconditional par excellence, it can focus on specific areas of interest or cooperate with other disciplines or branches of knowledge. Therefore, it can be used as an effective tool for supporting an inter-disciplinary culture of ecology , as it’s being happening in France since 2008 with the initiative of the