Top things to do in Astana, the city of Expo 2017
Nella capitale del Kazakistan tra giugno e settembre si svolge Expo 2017. Cosa vedere ad Astana, una capitale moderna dal carattere sia orientale sia occidentale.
Nella capitale del Kazakistan tra giugno e settembre si svolge Expo 2017. Cosa vedere ad Astana, una capitale moderna dal carattere sia orientale sia occidentale.
The project is similar to New York’s famous High Line constructed on the railway that once connected the Meat Market to Midtown. But in the case of Seoullo 7017 in South Korea’s capital Seoul, a walkway has been constructed on an overpass dating back to 1970 where cars once sped along, and where today people can wander and enjoy the revitalised area. The Seoullo 7017
The solar plant in Jordan’s Azraq refugee camp has started to produce energy, allowing Syrian refugees in the camp to have electricity in their tents. It’s the world’s first refugee camp to be powered by renewable energy: a 2MW plant managed by the UNHCR and financed thanks to the Brighter Lives for Refugees campaign launched
Same-sex marriage could soon be introduced in the Taiwanese legislation. The judges of Taiwan’s Constitutional Court made a historic decision, much awaited by gay rights activists in the island. Taiwan could thus become the first Asian country to legalise same-sex marriage. Denying same-sex marriage is unconstitutional The decision has come in response to two appeals
L’animale, una femmina di cinque anni, era detenuto in cattività in un villaggio. L’orango sarà curato e, appena possibile, rimesso in libertà.
Chi contravverrà alla normativa introdotta a Taiwan rischia di pagare multe salatissime. Inasprite anche le pene per i maltrattamenti.
Indigenous communities in India’s Rayagada district mitigate the challenges of water scarcity by storing rainwater in subsurface soil. A cheap and concrete solution to a global problem.
Tiberio Grimberg lives on the outskirts of Beka’ot, an Israeli settlement near the Jordan Valley. He works as a gardener, nurturing and watering plants in his moshav, a type of Israeli town or settlement. “Around here in the Jordan valley, vineyards dominate the agriculture,” says Tiberio as he wipes his sweat, sitting in the seat of
Entro pochi anni in India il 98 per cento delle stazioni ferroviarie saranno alimentate con solare fotovoltaico
Many consumer products such as textiles and leather products, firefighting foams, cleaning products and pesticides contain PFASs (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), known in the United States as perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Cookware, carpets, fabrics for furniture and even paper packaging for food also contain these chemicals. Used in manufacturing due to useful