Myanmar to ban logging until 2017
The new law aims to stop illegal logging in the country. The measure will safeguard teak for 10 years.
The new law aims to stop illegal logging in the country. The measure will safeguard teak for 10 years.
Il monsone annuale è stato particolarmente violento e ha devastato il centro-nord del Paese, colpendo soprattutto gli stati più poveri.
La sentenza arriva dal Tribunale internazionale del popolo (Ipt): quello in Indonesia fu un genocidio che vide 400mila sostenitori del Partito Comunista uccisi tra il 1965 e il 1967 per mano di Suharto.
Abhishek Ray, a Bollywood music composer, has put all his savings in a natural reserve to protect wild tigers from the devastating impact of humans.
Sono più di cinquemila le vittime, tra morti e feriti in Afghanistan, dall’inizio dell’anno. Le Nazioni Unite lanciano l’allarme, parlando di “cifre record”.
State of emergency could threaten human rights In response to the failure of the military coup that took place on the 15th of July, the Turkish government has begun a series of crackdown measures. These include declaring a three-month long state of emergency and suspending the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Thousands of Turkish citizens, from academics to soldiers and
L’iniziativa è nata con l’obiettivo di ripristinare la copertura forestale del Paese che ha perso quasi metà delle sue foreste.
Second Life Toys aims to raise awareness on an infrequently mentioned issue, that of child organ transplants – breaking it down (and sewing it back together again). The Japanese organisation came up with a smart, friendly way of explaining the problem in a simple manner using what children love the most: toys. By taking broken
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has declared a state of emergency in Turkey that has been approved by the parliament in a 346 to 115 vote. In effect since the 21st of July, it will last 3 months. Turkey suspends the European Convention on Human Rights The most controversial and worrisome consequence is the suspension of the
Nello stato indiano dellʼUttar Pradesh sono stati piantati milioni di alberi in 24 ore nell’ambito di un progetto di riforestazione dell’India e lotta all’inquinamento.