Fruits and vegetables in season by month: May

Fruits and vegetables in season by month: May

Strawberries are rich with vitamin C (even more than oranges), contain vitamin B, E, and K and several mineral salts, including iron, sodium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. They have remineralising, bactericidal, antiviral, tonifying and freshening properties; help liver and nervous system to keep their balance and strengthen the immune system. What’s important, though, is

Aromatic salad, elixir of health

Aromatic salad, elixir of health

A study published by the British Journal of Nutrition and conducted by the Institute of Biological Chemistry of Urbino University highlights how the use of spices and aromatic herbs combined with raw vegetables, for example salad, amplifies the antioxidant effects of the latter.   Adding spices to your aromatic salad increase antioxidant properties Antioxidants are

14 foods that make you look older

14 foods that make you look older

1 Sweets When people consume more sugar than their cells can synthetize, excess sugar molecules bond with proteins and trigger a process that can affect the skin collagen (the protein that keeps the skin elastic and youthful). Also, sugar damages teeth causing tooth decay and discoloration. 2 Alcohol “When your liver is functioning well, toxins