The strange ritual migration of 50 million red crabs on Christmas Island
Once a year on Christmas Island something incredible happens: millions of crabs cross the whole island to reach the ocean, where they drop their eggs.
Once a year on Christmas Island something incredible happens: millions of crabs cross the whole island to reach the ocean, where they drop their eggs.
Malaysian activist Gabby Tan’s mission is to raise awareness about the risks faced by our oceans, and the need to protect them. She spoke to us about her passions and what inspires her.
A new study finds worrying overlap between shark hotspots and human fisheries in the high seas, leaving these animals little space in the ocean to evade the threat of being caught.
After returning to shore last January due to a fault, the floating barrier has set sail towards the Pacific Trash Vortex once again with the aim of removing the largest plastic island floating in the ocean.
Getting people to consume less is important, but it’s not enough. There has to be a cultural shift, and design is likely to have a key role in transforming our approach to plastics.
Oceans and seas are in danger: we must reduce our impact on them, including plastic pollution. On World Oceans Day 2019 we celebrate the inestimable value of these precious ecosystems.
Le acque artiche e gli ecosistemi unici delle isole Lofoten, in Norvegia, sono salvi dal petrolio. Potrebbe essere vietato in modo permanente grazie al voto del partito laburista che si è opposto alle esplorazioni nella zona.
A Norwegian energy company wants to carry out oil exploration activities in the Great Australian Bight. The Fight for the Bight movement is stepping up to keep the oil industry out of the wild and pristine waters of southern Australia.
The winners of the Underwater Photographer of the Year 2019 have been announced. Protagonists of the photos are the magic and the incredible biodiversity of the underwater world, as well as the threats it is facing, like plastic.
Fishing communities in eastern India are setting an example by protecting endangered olive ridley marine turtles during their annual mating and nesting activities, and helping millions of tiny hatchlings reach the sea safely.