The 2020 US elections seen from around the world of sustainability
With a clearer picture of the results, how have countries across the world reacted to the 2020 US elections? What expectations face president-elect Biden?
With a clearer picture of the results, how have countries across the world reacted to the 2020 US elections? What expectations face president-elect Biden?
Democracy places a key role in putting the Covid-19 crisis behind us. An interview with Walden Bello, who has dedicated his life to defending human rights.
Rodrigo Duterte, President of the Philippines since May 2016, recently made the headlines for having called Obama a “son of a whore” during a press conference at the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in Laos. The remark, which led to the cancellation of a bilateral meeting between the two presidents, has drawn international attention to
Perché il presidente delle Filippine ha dato del “figlio di puttana” a Obama? C’entra la politica di terrore e violenza che sta portando avanti nel paese contro il traffico di droga che ha causato quasi duemila morti.
Environmental activist Gloria Capitan opposed the construction of coal stockpile facilities. She was shot in a bar in the province of Bataan on 4 July.
A tiara adorned with diamonds and precious gemstones could fund treatment of over 12,000 people affected by tuberculosis, while a sapphire and diamond necklace could provide electricity to 2,252 households in off-grid areas. In order to raise people’s awareness on corruption and abuse of power, the government of the Philippines launched a very uncommon campaign.
Even Pope Francis thinks that man is mainly responsible for climate change and for this reason he hopes that at the Paris Conference (Cop 21), which will take place from 30th November to 11th December 2015, courageous decisions will be made to protect the environment and climate. The Pope is working on a long-awaited encyclical