5 years of the Syrian civil war

5 years of the Syrian civil war

It’s been 5 years since the Syrian civil war began, despite it can no longer be called “civil”. Figures got out of hands and are no precise enough to show the size of the conflict between governmental forces, rebels, terroristic groups and foreign military. The United Nations estimates that 250,000 people were killed and over a

How many journalists were killed in 2015

How many journalists were killed in 2015

Nel 2015 solo un giornalista su tre è morto perché si trovava in un teatro di guerra, in una zona ad alto rischio. Gli altri sono morti in circostanze non identificate o, addirittura, sul posto di lavoro: in redazione.

You bet that weapons manufacturers have profited from the Paris attacks

You bet that weapons manufacturers have profited from the Paris attacks

Many of the largest weapons manufacturers in the world saw their stock prices rise on Monday the 16th of November, the first day markets opened after terrorist attacks in Paris three days earlier killed around 130 people. In general, stock markets, including Paris’s, didn’t see the slumps that have followed major terrorist attacks in the

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault works. First withdrawal comes from Syria

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault works. First withdrawal comes from Syria

“The vault is probably going to be used sooner rather than later, and it isn’t necessarily because of some global catastrophe,” said Cary Fowler in 2012, former Executive Director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust, foundation managing the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norwegian subterranean seed bank, created in 2008 in order to safeguard the widest range