My love story, born in the Calais Jungle, with a Sudanese refugee
Marguerite Stern, militante del gruppo Femen, volontaria nella giungla di Calais, si è innamorata di un profugo. Ecco perché ha deciso di raccontare tutto.
Marguerite Stern, militante del gruppo Femen, volontaria nella giungla di Calais, si è innamorata di un profugo. Ecco perché ha deciso di raccontare tutto.
Nel comune di Grande-Synthe, nel nord della Francia, migliaia di profughi vivono in condizioni disumane. Al gelo, nel fango. Tra loro centinaia di bambini.
A father and his kid trying to cross the barbed wire that serves as material border between two countries, Hungary and Serbia. This is Hope for a New Life, photo taken on 28 August 2015 and winner of the 2016 World Press Photo Contest. Considering that the protagonists of the picture are Syrian, we understand the added
A submarine work of art, made of sculptures of refugees – portrayed as shipwrecked people – trying to reach Europe, now lies off the coasts of Lanzarote, one of the Spanish islands of the Canaries. The sculptures by the artist Jason deCaires Taylor make up Europe’s first underwater museum set to be open to public as of
Un rapporto di Medici senza frontiere punta il dito contro le politiche con le quali l’Ue ha risposto alla crisi dei migranti: “Un catastrofico fallimento”.
Out of Tibet is a lovingly compiled collection of photographs portraying members of the Tibetan diaspora around the world. It is fruit of over a decade’s work by Albertina d’Urso, an Italian photographer specialised in social and humanitarian reportages – including Welcome to Compton, snapshots of life in one of Los Angeles’s roughest neighbourhoods which won
Il governo socialdemocratico della Svezia ha annunciato l’organizzazione di voli charter per rimpatriare decine di migliaia di richiedenti asilo.
Chinese artist Ai Weiwei made the call to gallery owner Jens Faurschou from the Greek island of Lesbos, which saw 450,000 refugees reach its shores in 2015: he told him to cancel his exhibition, Ruptures, at the Faurschou Foundation in Copenhagen, which has been running since March last year and was meant to end this April.
Ha provato ad aiutare una bambina afgana, bloccata nella “giungla di Calais”, a raggiungere la famiglia a Leeds. Rob Lawrie ora rischia la reclusione.
The new collection of exclusive songs by Robert Plant, Tinariwen and other artists entitled The Long Road that will support the refugee crisis will be released in March.