5 SmartDriving Apps

5 SmartDriving Apps

The spread of smartphones apps has allowed for the development of useful software to help us while driving: allowing us to avoid traffic congestion, reduce pollution, make smart choices in every moment of urban life and save money. 5 SmartDriving apps that will change your life on the road.   Waze www.waze.com This is the

Let’s change the way women are portrayed on the Internet

Let’s change the way women are portrayed on the Internet

The American stock photo agency Getty Images launched on Monday 10th February the Lean In Collection in collaboration with the non-governmental organisation Lean In created by Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg.   With more than 2,500 pictures and the promise to add more every month, the aim of this new initiative by Getty is to

World’s most polluted cities

World’s most polluted cities

Dopo la notizia sui livelli di polveri sottili fuori controllo rilevati a Pechino, l’Economist ha pubblicato il grafico delle città più inquinate al mondo.