The 2020 US elections seen from around the world of sustainability
With a clearer picture of the results, how have countries across the world reacted to the 2020 US elections? What expectations face president-elect Biden?
With a clearer picture of the results, how have countries across the world reacted to the 2020 US elections? What expectations face president-elect Biden?
We talk to the owners of silent meditation retreat The Hermitage about the methods for and benefits of awakening to a more peaceful reality by going beyond the mind, in silence and meditation.
La Fao ha aiutato i piccoli produttori di caffè del Guatemala a far fronte ad una patologia che aveva colpito le loro piante.
Costa Rica aims to become the world’s first country to adopt a national strategy to end single-use plastic by 2021, as announced by Costa Rican Environment and Energy Minister Edgar Gutiérrez. The decision is part of the plan to make Costa Rica the first carbon-neutral country by 2021. Along with ending single-use plastics, the country
The challenges that indigenous Maya women currently face in Guatemala are complex and numerous but if we had to sum them up in one word, it would be exclusion. This according to Rosalia, a 33-year old associate artisan at Teixchel, a sustainable weaving association in San Pedro La Laguna, on the shore of Lake Atitlán, that uses exclusively nontoxic eco and
Maximón, also known as San Simón, is an important Mayan folk saint in Guatemala represented by a dressed up wooden effigy sitting on a chair who, unlike other saints, smokes cigars and drinks alcohol. Today Maximón is actively worshipped as part of what we could refer to as “folk Catholicism“, especially in the highlands of
An organisation that unites over 1,000 mainly Maya women in Guatemala has expressed alarm that indigenous handicrafts, textiles called “huipiles” in particular, are under threat because underpriced industrial fabrics appropriating indigenous patterns have flooded the Guatemalan market, depriving many native women of their main source of income. Read more: Down to Xjabelle, the fashion collection by a young designer with Down
According to a study presented in Guatemala, granting the rights to land to rural communities contributes to reducing the risk of forest fires.
La cosiddetta “narco-deforestazione” minaccia le foreste centroamericane, i trafficanti comprano terreni da disboscare per riciclare il denaro sporco.
Dal guardiacaccia che protegge i gorilla nel Parco dei Virunga, al piccolo agricoltore che lotta contro una miniera. Ecco chi sono i sei eroi dell’ambiente del 2017.