15 May is the International Day of Families

Families, regardless of their structure, are the cornerstone of society, and today we celebrate them.

Despite politicians and the catholic morals often abuse the term “family”, its meaning is simple and deep at the same time, and it varies depending on social, historical, and cultural contexts.


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Family is a social structure characterised by mutual love and care among its components, regardless of components’ structure, gender, degree of kinship, and race.


The multiplicity of family types has been recognised by the United Nations that proclaimed the International Day of Families, established in 1993, which is observed on the 15th of May every year. The International Day aims to promote awareness of issues relating to families and to increase knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes affecting families.


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“As we strive to usher in a more sustainable future, achieve the Millennium Development Goals, shape a new development agenda and combat climate change, let us mobilize the world’s families,” said the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.


The 2015 edition is dedicated to gender equality and children’s rights in contemporary families, and it aims to highlight the importance of prevention of family violence.


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Families are an integral part of society, and they promulgate values and culture. It is thus necessary offering them the adequate support, taking into account their needs into development policies, considering their condition in addressing conflicts, and advocating for the equal treatment of all families, regardless of their structure, because family is where there is love, and that’s enough.

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