Stop worrying about New York: blizzard Jonas has calmed down

Stop worrying about New York: blizzard Jonas has calmed down

Weather forecasting in the United States is taken very seriously: it started in the early history of the country and has always been fundamental to its people given that Nature can be overwhelming in the vast nation, where sudden and violent storms can destroy and kill if no precautions are taken. For the sake of

The planet hits another record: 2015 was the hottest year

The planet hits another record: 2015 was the hottest year

2015 was the hottest year in history, i.e. since tracking began in 1880. We are approaching 1°C in average global temperature rise, over half of the threshold set in the Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21), 1.5 degrees. Above that limit, many island countries and coastal areas could be submerged and millions of people forced to flee.

Fluoride in water. A medicine turned toxin

Fluoride in water. A medicine turned toxin

Water fluoridation is one of the top ten public health achievements of the 20th century according to the US Centers for Disease Control, but long-term studies show that fluoride may cause negative health effects. Most of Europe has rejected this practice, and while 25 countries have water fluoridation programmes, more people drink artificially fluoridated water

Ancient grains. Heirloom wheat makes its comeback in the USA

Ancient grains. Heirloom wheat makes its comeback in the USA

Discussions about GMOs, carcinogenic pesticides and food allergies are making Americans take a step back, looking back to a time when nature ruled. The US, where wheat is the principal food grain, is seeing a resurgence of ancient varieties such as Turkey Hard Red Winter Wheat, which came to the country in the 19th century,