Ethiopia, 200 people have been killed on the border with South Sudan

Ethiopia, 200 people have been killed on the border with South Sudan

Ethiopian forces have launched a counter offensive aimed at freeing over 100 women and children that had been kidnapped in a raid in the Gambella Regional State, Ethiopia, on the border with South Sudan. According to Addis Ababa’s governmental sources, the “heavily armed group” – coming from the neighbouring country – also killed 200 people.

Ethiopia, FAO presents its response plan against the worst drought in decades

Ethiopia, FAO presents its response plan against the worst drought in decades

The idea of helping people “on site” so that they decide to remain in their country rather than migrating towards European coasts is increasingly catching on. After all, this would satisfy both those who want to protect their national borders and those who have a solidarity spirit and believe in international cooperation. Thus, why don’t