What happens if you don’t stop looking at your phone

What happens if you don’t stop looking at your phone

https://youtu.be/PsH9wGB_Acs Our lives have radically changed since the arrival of smartphones. This video clip, realised by the Chinese student Xie Chenglin, ironically tells the problems we daily face due to our smartphones, from little accidents to a possible nuclear disaster. The feature film, entitled Life Smartphone, was awarded by the Central Academy of Fine Arts

If you live with a smoker is like you live in Beijing

If you live with a smoker is like you live in Beijing

Living with a smoker means being exposed to pollution levels equal to those registered in a heavily polluted city, such as Beijing and London. The news comes from the study Fine particulate matter concentrations in smoking households: just how much secondhand smoke do you breathe in if you live with a smoker who smokes indoors?. The

World’s most polluted cities

World’s most polluted cities

Dopo la notizia sui livelli di polveri sottili fuori controllo rilevati a Pechino, l’Economist ha pubblicato il grafico delle città più inquinate al mondo.