
Rotterdam is about to be home to a floating forest

Curiosa iniziativa di un’associazione olandese che salverà una decina di alberi e li trapianterà su boe riciclate, creando un piccolo bosco galleggiante.

The Bobbing Forest will be a small floating forest in Rotterdam’s harbour, and it will be realised by the art collective Mothership, which promotes and carries out similar projects in order to enhance public spaces.


The prototype used to test and study the project


The initiative, an idea of the artist Jorge Bakker, aims to investigate how citizens relate to nature and how nature, in turn, influences citizens in a city, as the association said. 20 trees, recovered from other areas of the city, will be planted in recycled plastic buoys that will float in the city harbour.


The large floating “vases” will host a local variety of elm, resistant to marine water salinity and swell. It’s not an off-the-cuff idea, but a project well studied, with years of field testing. The association collaborated with environmental engineering students who assessed over 3 years the project’s ability to succeed: ability of growth, resistance to salinity and swell of the Northern Sea.


One of the first elms in Rotterdam’s harbour © Urbancontest


As of March, the first trees will be bobbing in the city harbour, making part of the first floating forest ever. The project has a high environmental value: it recovers trees, increases the public green, reduces CO2 emissions and contributes to creating a more liveable city.

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