The strange ritual migration of 50 million red crabs on Christmas Island
Once a year on Christmas Island something incredible happens: millions of crabs cross the whole island to reach the ocean, where they drop their eggs.
Once a year on Christmas Island something incredible happens: millions of crabs cross the whole island to reach the ocean, where they drop their eggs.
Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe are home to the world’s largest African elephant population and have put forward a motion for the right to sell ivory acquired through natural deaths, confiscations and culling under certain conditions. Zambia, on its part, has proposed being allowed to sell its raw ivory and permit trade in hunting trophies for non-commercial
A new study finds worrying overlap between shark hotspots and human fisheries in the high seas, leaving these animals little space in the ocean to evade the threat of being caught.
Mountain gorillas survive in just two places on Earth. The tale of a unique encounter and how to contribute to these animals’ conservation.
The Zambian government has reversed a controversial plan to approve a large-scale programme to cull more than 2,000 hippos over a five year period in Eastern province’s Luangwa Valley, situated over 300 kilometers from the capital Lusaka. Animals rights activists cried foul following the original decision, influencing its overturning. Read more: Zambia to allow trophy hunters to
The Australian Koala Foundation has reported that there are only 80,000 koalas left in the wild. The species looks destined to disappear forever, making it “functionally extinct”.
Chinese trafficker Yang Feng Glan, known as the “ivory queen”, was arrested in 2015. She’s been convicted for heading a criminal organisation responsible for international trafficking in ivory.
Fishing communities in eastern India are setting an example by protecting endangered olive ridley marine turtles during their annual mating and nesting activities, and helping millions of tiny hatchlings reach the sea safely.
Tourist attractions, trophies to be hunted and skeletons to be sold. This is what lions are used as in breeding facilities in South Africa, where they’re not only mistreated but also endangered.
In the Malaysian state of Sabah there are no Sumatran rhinos left in the wild, Environment Minister says.