Trump green lights oil and gas drilling in Alaska
Oil and gas companies will be allowed to drill in a protected nature reserve, 7.8 million hectares of wilderness across northeastern Alaska.
Cecilia Bergamasco
Marine biologist, eternal lover of the sea and cetaceans. I have been writing and been involved in communication on the themes of energy and the environment for 15 years, with the objective of making the concept of “living sustainably and reducing environmental impact” accessible to all, especially my children. I am editor responsible for content published on Behind Energy. I am particularly interested in renewables and climate change. I also collect boats, shells, stones – anything interesting I find on beaches – and enjoy hiking in the mountains.
Favourite quote
“Being at sea isn’t a school, there are no teachers. There’s the sea and there’s you. The sea doesn’t teach, the sea does, in its own way.” (Erri de Luca)
Oil and gas companies will be allowed to drill in a protected nature reserve, 7.8 million hectares of wilderness across northeastern Alaska.
Education Minister Lorenzo Fioramonti has announced that the topics of climate change and global warming will soon be taught as subjects in Italian schools.
22 million trees and 50,000 more energy efficient homes a year, as well as one million electric cars by 2030. This is Ireland’s Climate Action Plan, which institutes bold targets for the next two decades.
The 2026 Winter Olympics in Milan and Cortina, in Italy, could be the first in history to be devoted to sustainable development, thanks to a project that aims to implement the goals of the 2030 Agenda.
The first one megawatt solar power plant in the Chernobyl exclusion zone has become operational. This is the first step in a renewable energy development project promoted by the Ukrainian government in the area.
Un panda gigante è la forma del nuovo impianto fotovoltaico costruito in Cina ed entrato in funzione in questi giorni. Una centrale bella da vedere ma che vuole soprattutto parlare di sostenibilità ai giovani.
Trump annuncia l’uscita dagli accordi sul clima di Parigi. La risposta della California è l’approvazione di un disegno di per abbandonare i combustibili fossili e arrivare al 100 per cento di energia rinnovabile.
L’oleodotto voluto da Donald Trump, il Dakota access pipeline, non è ancora entrato in funzione e già sta perdendo petrolio.
Solar farms are architectural and engineering masterpieces that aren’t only functional but can also be beautiful. They can thus become tourist attractions, creating jobs and boosting the clean energy economy, as well as satellite activities. Here are some of the boldest and most beautiful projects that combine the drive towards green energy with respect for the environment. Disney solar farm
Dodicimila piastrelle colorate per la facciata solare del Copenhagen International School che producono il 50 per cento dell’energia necessaria
Entro pochi anni in India il 98 per cento delle stazioni ferroviarie saranno alimentate con solare fotovoltaico