The World Food Programme is the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize
The United Nations World Food Programme has been awarded the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for its work in the fight against hunger.
The United Nations World Food Programme has been awarded the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for its work in the fight against hunger.
Already torn apart by desertification, Burkina Faso also faces the terrorist threat. Attacks exacerbate inter-communal clashes and drive people to flee. Read the second part of the reportage on a country fighting for land and integrity.
Burkina Faso is one of the countries most severely affected by desertification. It’s at the mercy of water scarcity, soil degradation and humanitarian crises. The stories of hope and fear of a people fighting for their land.
Reforestation and soil conservation. This is how Yacouba Sawadogo, a simple farmer, and his family solved the desertification crisis in his village.
The sunny and tourist-filled beaches of southern Ivory Coast turned into a setting of atrocity and death on the 13th of March. Militants dressed in black and wearing balaclavas opened fire on beachgoers, killing 18 people before being stopped and killed by security forces. Among the victims were 3 members of the special forces and 15
È morta nell’attentato terroristico del 15 gennaio in Burkina Faso. Leila Alaoui ci lascia in eredità un universo fotografico intimo e appassionato.
The military in Burkina Faso, which yesterday arrested President Michel Kafando and Prime Minister Isaac Zida, has announced the government destitution. The news has been released by the Lieutenant-Colonel Mamadou Bamba who appeared on the national television to declared that a new “National Democratic Council” had put an end “to the deviant regime of transition”. Moreover,