Berlin Wall (1961 – 1989): a photo per year

Masons, families separated by bricks, barbed wire and mortars. People fleeing and greeting from one side of the wall to the other. Curious, bored and angry soldiers. A hurt, majestic and severe city. And then, on 9th November 1989, an explosion of joy and disbelief. Two worlds in conflict with each other, unite after the

Masons, families separated by bricks, barbed wire and mortars. People fleeing and greeting from one side of the wall to the other. Curious, bored and angry soldiers. A hurt, majestic and severe city. And then, on 9th November 1989, an explosion of joy and disbelief. Two worlds in conflict with each other, unite after the Second World War. The faces, plots of concrete, cracks and graffiti in the photographic evidence that scan, year after year, thirty years of history of the Berlin Wall.

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