David Nabarro of the WHO: lockdowns alone can’t end the Covid-19 pandemic
David Nabarro of the WHO analyses worldwide actions against the pandemic. Lockdowns alone aren’t a sustainable response to stopping Covid-19.
David Nabarro of the WHO analyses worldwide actions against the pandemic. Lockdowns alone aren’t a sustainable response to stopping Covid-19.
India struggles to keep its crumbling healthcare system afloat amid the drastic rise in coronavirus cases, making it the third worst-hit country globally.
The 31st of May was the 100th day since Italy’s first coronavirus case. Some of the most important moments that have left their mark on the country.
The coronavirus in Africa could completely overwhelm healthcare systems neglected for years. Yet Zambia has refrained from imposing the type of far-reaching lockdown seen in nations such as South Africa.
The consequences of the novel coronavirus or Covid-19: what are the symptoms, what the death toll is, whether there’re a cure, how China has been affected. And why it’s been labelled an emergency also in economic terms.
Nei paesi in via di sviluppo l’uso del latte artificiale può essere un rischio per i neonati. Nella settimana mondiale per l’allattamento materno, l’ong Azione contro la fame lancia una campagna per la libertà di scelta dei genitori.
Terrorism has drawn global attention and most countries have joined the effort to contrast it. But the international community is yet to wage a war against air pollution despite the enormity of the hazard it poses for global health. In India, for example, terrorism has taken 65,900 human lives between 1994 and 2017, which is almost half of deaths caused by air pollution in
People living near major roads and busy traffic are more at risk of developing dementia, according to a report analysing more than 6 million people.
I dati sono allarmanti. Il particolato è 50 volte superiore ai livelli ritenuti sicuri dall’Oms, mentre una spessa coltre ha invaso Shenyang.
Sierra Leone is an Ebola-free zone. The World Health Organisation (WHO) made the announcement on the 7th of November, 42 days since the last person was tested positive for the disease. The Sierra Leone based Social Mobilisation Action Consortium (SMAC), which works to fight Ebola through community engagement, celebrated the news by posting a video that