Tesla launches the new Model X. Elon Musk: “It’s time to move to a new technology”
Shortly after the Volkswagen scandal, Elon Musk presents the latest electric SUV by Tesla Motors. It is the world’s safest.
Shortly after the Volkswagen scandal, Elon Musk presents the latest electric SUV by Tesla Motors. It is the world’s safest.
An Australian start-up aims to produce it by 2016. Thanks to solar panels and batteries, Immortus doesn’t need to be recharged.
The scientists of the Carbon Engineering are working to perfect a new technology able to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and turn it into fuel.
From Japan to Hawaii in 5 days and 5 nights, crossing the Pacific Ocean with solar power only. Piccard’s and Borschberg’s epic journey finally ended.
Korea national day: A view on a distant culture, full of history and ancient traditions.
The largest Supercharger station in Europe opened in Aosta, in Italy. Elon Musk’s charging stations network is gradually espanding.
Presented few days ago, Tesla Powerall Station, the first home battery designed by Tesla Motors flies off the shelves. “It’s crazy” stated Elon Musk.
By the summer, Tesla Motors will put Powerhall domestic batteries on the market. It will be used for charging cars, as well as having a constant power supply.
Cities have already lived the day when the first bus came out of the garage instead of the horse-drawn omnibus, that when the first electric street light was turned on and the oil ones turned off and that when the houses were equipped with indoor toilets and streets were cleaned of open sewers. The history
Retrofitting is a technical term which means modifying the technology of an object to improve its performances. Segun Oyeyiola, a Nigerian student of Engineering, just retrofitted an old Volkswagen Beetle and turned it into a solar and wind-powered car. Within a year the final year student managed to convert the Beetle into a