Polar sea ice reaches record low

Polar sea ice reaches record low

The Arctic is registering an unusual winter this year. While temperatures hit a new record in November, it is now sea ice cover to have recorded its lowest extent at a time when it should be at its maximum extent. In January 2017 the ice cover was 13.38 million square kilometres, the lowest extent in almost

Japan wants to resume whaling, again

Japan wants to resume whaling, again

Il Giappone ha presentato l’ennesimo programma di caccia alle balene per scopi “scientifici” che prevede la soppressione di 314 cetacei per anno, per 12 anni.

What is Grindadráp and why is whaling in the Faroe Islands so controvesial

What is Grindadráp and why is whaling in the Faroe Islands so controvesial

Grindadráp is the local name for a yearly event that sees the people of the Faroe Islands, a self-governing archipelago under Denmark, hunt long-finned pilot whales as well as other species of cetaceans such as bottlenose dolphins, white-sided dolphins and Risso’s dolphins. These species aren’t on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s list of endangered animals, but

This beer packaging is edible and helps save marine wildlife

This beer packaging is edible and helps save marine wildlife

US-based craft beer company Saltwater Brewery, in collaboration with advertising agency We Believers, has launched a beer packaging that is 100 per cent edible. The problem of ocean plastic The idea stems from the need to protect oceans and marine wildlife from the huge amount of plastic humans dump on the world’s beaches and seas every year. Plastic represents

Discovering the whales and dolphins of the Mediterranean Sea

Discovering the whales and dolphins of the Mediterranean Sea

“Blow at 2 o’clock!”, shouts a member of the research team onboard the motorsailer Pelagos. For five endless minutes everyone has been scanning the sea in a state of alert silence, looking for a white puff to indicate the blow of a male sperm whale coming to the surface to breathe and rest. The researchers