WWF: oil, gas and mining exploration threaten one third of natural World Heritage Sites
L’associazione ambientalista lancia un appello agli investitori affinché non finanzino più le attività estrattive pericolose per l’ambiente.
L’associazione ambientalista lancia un appello agli investitori affinché non finanzino più le attività estrattive pericolose per l’ambiente.
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti ha annunciato la creazione di due nuove aree protette, in Maryland e in Wisconsin. Il Cile crea uno dei parchi marini più grandi al mondo intorno all’Isola di Pasqua.
Enough with coal, oil and natural gas. From now on Hawaii will only build plants that generate electricity using renewable sources and will cut all funding for fossil fuels. The aim: to be powered by 100% renewables by 2045. The announcement was made by state governor David Ige, electrical engineer, at the Asia Pacific Resilience
Alarming data emerged from latest study carried out by WWF and the Zoological Society of London. It is compelling to curb marine wildlife decline that is directly affecting us.
According to a new study, 90% of all seabirds have plastic residuals in their guts.
Il numero di megattere al largo delle coste australiane, in seguito al divieto di caccia, è in continuo aumento .
Don’t judge a man by his hat (the one Pharrell wore at the 2014 Grammys and which became an international sensation). Williams, born in 1973 in Virginia, U.S.A., is an international music superstar who has teamed up with the United Nations, Al Gore and Sea Sheperd’s Paul Watson on different occasions but always under the
The two volunteers of the environmental association have been arrested for having tried to obstruct the traditional pilot whale hunting.
Nell’isola hawaiiana di Oahu gli autobus dismessi, ancora in buono stato, verranno convertiti in alloggi confortevoli per senzacasa.
In 2006, Panamanian citizens approved (75.25%) through a referendum the expansion of the centenarian canal that divides America and connects the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. The project, designed by the Italian company Salini Impregilo, will double the channel capacity and allow larger ships to transit. Work started in 2007, and the artificial