Andrea Crosta on how documentaries and intel will decide the Earth’s future
Andrea Crosta, founder of Earth League International (the first intelligence agency at the service of the planet), discusses media’s key role in environmentalism.
Andrea Crosta, founder of Earth League International (the first intelligence agency at the service of the planet), discusses media’s key role in environmentalism.
The relationship between the coronavirus and wildlife is complex: while the pandemic may lead to a reduction in the illegal trade in wild animals, it may also encourage it in other respects.
Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe are home to the world’s largest African elephant population and have put forward a motion for the right to sell ivory acquired through natural deaths, confiscations and culling under certain conditions. Zambia, on its part, has proposed being allowed to sell its raw ivory and permit trade in hunting trophies for non-commercial
Chinese trafficker Yang Feng Glan, known as the “ivory queen”, was arrested in 2015. She’s been convicted for heading a criminal organisation responsible for international trafficking in ivory.
The first NGO that puts an intelligence network at the service of the planet. People who work in the shadows to eradicate poaching and save elephants along with other endangered species. This is the Elephant Action League, and we spoke to its founder Andrea Crosta.
These are the top news stories of 2017 and the people who have most left a mark on a year that has been intense yet also rewarding from the point of view of social and environmental sustainability.
In dieci anni, tra il 2004 e il 2014, in Gabon i bracconieri hanno ucciso oltre 25mila elefanti, mettendo a serio rischio la sopravvivenza della specie.
Entro la fine del 2017 in Cina sarà vietata la vendita e la trasformazione di avorio per contrastare il bracconaggio di elefanti.
In response to an alarming rise in the poaching of the African elephant population, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service has announced a near-total ban on the sale of ivory products in the country, even across state lines. It will take effect on the 6th of July. While ivory import bans and restrictions have been in
Saving elephants from poaching and extinction means safeguarding the African ecosystem, the tourism industry and a crucial part of the continent’s common heritage. This is why the Giants Club has met in Nanyuki, Kenya. It is an exclusive group that brings together African heads of state, environmental NGOs, global business leaders and zoologists. Ivory means