Tanzania pushes ahead with huge hydroelectric dam inside Nyerere National Park
Despite environmental warnings, the Tanzanian government is set to build a dam in the heart of the Selous Game Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Despite environmental warnings, the Tanzanian government is set to build a dam in the heart of the Selous Game Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Thousands of plant and fungi species may be at of risk extinction even before being discovered by scientists, according to a report by Kew Gardens.
The disappearance of 160 species has been declared by the IUCN over the last decade: most had been gone for a long time and their demise can be traced in large part to human impact. The full list of extinct species.
The critically endangered population of the Javan rhino in Indonesia has risen to 72 individuals, as four new calves are registered thanks to camera traps.
A large dam along the Luangwa River in Zambia would have posed a serious risk to local people and wildlife, leading hundreds of thousands to oppose it. A call to which the government responded by halting plans to build it.
Veri e propri paradisi in terra. Riserve protette per gli ultimi esemplari di specie in via d’estinzione. Grazie all’ecoturismo è possibile proteggerli.
In Iran sopravvivono appena cento esemplari di ghepardo asiatico, specie minacciata dalla perdita di habitat, dalla riduzione delle prede e dal conflitto con i pastori.
Bad news comes from the 13rd meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity held in Cancun, Mexico. The Red List of threatened Species, compiled by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), includes 85,604 species, 24,307 of which risk extinction. And giraffes are now among them. “Many species are
Good news for biodiversity: the giant panda is no longer endangered as its population is growing after the animal being on the brink of extinction since 1990. China’s extensive conservation and protection efforts are paying off as its most emblematic animal sees its status upgraded from being “endangered” to “vulnerable”. The announcement comes from the International Union for Conservation of Nature
A causa della caccia e della guerra civile in Congo questa specie è ora classificata “in pericolo critico” dalla Lista rossa della Iucn.