US beekeepers lost half their honeybees last year

US beekeepers lost half their honeybees last year

Data coming from the United States is alarming. Between April 2015 and April 2016, US beekeepers lost 44 per cent of their honeybee colonies. The figures emerged from a survey that tracked the number of winter and summer losses across the country. Findings show the trend is getting worse, for the second year in a

57 pesticides are poisoning our bees

57 pesticides are poisoning our bees

European bees are poisoned by a cocktail of 57 pesticides, according to a new study. 98% of these substances are regularly approved for use by the EU. And bees are dying off.   European bees are exposed to at least 57 different types of weed killers. This shocking figure was revealed by research conducted in

Healthy liver with horseradish

Healthy liver with horseradish

During the seasonal changes, horseradish roots help detoxify the liver, tackle biliary tract disorders and take in mineral salts and vitamins.

Honey, the work of worker bees

Honey, the work of worker bees

To produce honey, bees collect flower nectar, convert it with their own body substances and they store it in honeycombs where they let it ripen. Basically, once foraged, nectar is stored in the honeystomach of the bee, where it is mixed with the enzymes secreted by its salivary glands, and then it is taken to