Summer pesto

Summer pesto

Il pesto estivo è un condimento per la pasta veloce da preparare. Ottimo anche per le bruschette.

Turmeric, the most special of all spices

Turmeric, the most special of all spices

Turmeric, a yellow root of the ginger family, is cultivated in China, Indonesia, Costa Rica. The Hawaiian traditional medicine is completely based on this spice, which is there called “holena”. In India, the major producer of turmeric worldwide, it is used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for its preventive and therapeutic properties and mainly to

Taste of peach

Taste of peach

Peaches are sweet, redolent and low-calorie fruits. Eat a ripe peach from organic farming every day and you will feel beautiful.

Figs bruschette

Figs bruschette

Le bruschette di fichi, ricotta fresca e miele sono un modo sfizioso per fare merenda. Ottime anche come antipasto o come dolce a fine pasto.

Fresh natural drinks for everybody

Fresh natural drinks for everybody

At home we can prepare delicious soft, fresh and thirst-quenching natural drinks rich in active ingredients and useful to fight hot temperatures and dehydration.

Watermelon and feta salad

Watermelon and feta salad

L’insalata di anguria e feta è fresca e leggera. Ottima a pranzo. Aggiungere olive nere e cipolla per avere una variante di frutta all’insalata greca.