Sudan, the last male northern white rhino, has died
Sudan was 45 years old and the last male northern white rhino when he died in a wildlife reserve in Kenya. The last hope for his species is in vitro fertilisation.
Sudan was 45 years old and the last male northern white rhino when he died in a wildlife reserve in Kenya. The last hope for his species is in vitro fertilisation.
Veri e propri paradisi in terra. Riserve protette per gli ultimi esemplari di specie in via d’estinzione. Grazie all’ecoturismo è possibile proteggerli.
In Iran sopravvivono appena cento esemplari di ghepardo asiatico, specie minacciata dalla perdita di habitat, dalla riduzione delle prede e dal conflitto con i pastori.
Bad news comes from the 13rd meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity held in Cancun, Mexico. The Red List of threatened Species, compiled by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), includes 85,604 species, 24,307 of which risk extinction. And giraffes are now among them. “Many species are
A Tiger in Suburbia. This is the name of the Christmas advert signed WWF UK that brings the plight of an endangered species directly into a suburban family’s home. “An ordinary family wake up one day to find a huge tiger in their home. What magical world has it come from, and how will it ever
A causa della caccia e della guerra civile in Congo questa specie è ora classificata “in pericolo critico” dalla Lista rossa della Iucn.
Good news for biodiversity: the giant panda is no longer endangered as its population is growing after the animal being on the brink of extinction since 1990. China’s extensive conservation and protection efforts are paying off as its most emblematic animal sees its status upgraded from being “endangered” to “vulnerable”. The announcement comes from the International Union for Conservation of Nature
Le autorità della Cina hanno approvato una legge che vieta la vendita di cibi a base di animali a rischio di estinzione. Ma la norma non convince tutti.
La Cambogia ha istituito una nuova area protetta di 65mila ettari. La zona è considerata un hotspot importante per molti animali minacciati come l’ibis gigante e il leopardo nebuoloso.
While most species of large whales are recovering from the collapse caused by commercial exploitation in the past two centuries, some populations are still struggling. A recent report, authored by experts of the Marine Mammal Commission in the U.S., reviews their status and highlights the main threats that these giants of the oceans are currently