A thousand elephants in Thailand risk starvation due to the pandemic
A thousand elephants could die of starvation in Thailand as the camps where the animals are exploited for tourism have had to close due to Covid-19.
A thousand elephants could die of starvation in Thailand as the camps where the animals are exploited for tourism have had to close due to Covid-19.
Over 350 elephants in Botswana have died in the Okavango Delta region. The cause of this catastrophic die-off is still unknown.
One of Africa’s last and largest “tuskers”, Tim the elephant, died from natural causes after roaming Amboseli National Park for five decades and surviving multiple life-threatening attacks.
Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe are home to the world’s largest African elephant population and have put forward a motion for the right to sell ivory acquired through natural deaths, confiscations and culling under certain conditions. Zambia, on its part, has proposed being allowed to sell its raw ivory and permit trade in hunting trophies for non-commercial
Chinese trafficker Yang Feng Glan, known as the “ivory queen”, was arrested in 2015. She’s been convicted for heading a criminal organisation responsible for international trafficking in ivory.
Photographer Ami Vitale tells us about the deep relationship between the future of the natural world and that of humanity, the common thread in all her work. Photographs that tell stories of hope, courage and resilience.
The worst case of elephant poaching in African history took place very close to a wildlife sanctuary in Botswana, which was supposed to be their last safe haven.
The first NGO that puts an intelligence network at the service of the planet. People who work in the shadows to eradicate poaching and save elephants along with other endangered species. This is the Elephant Action League, and we spoke to its founder Andrea Crosta.
These are the top news stories of 2017 and the people who have most left a mark on a year that has been intense yet also rewarding from the point of view of social and environmental sustainability.
La giornata, dedicata alla lotta dei crimini contro la biodiversità e alla sua salvaguardia, è incentrata quest’anno sulla protezione degli elefanti, sempre più minacciati dal commercio di avorio.