Pegaso really gets going!

Pegaso really gets going!

Pegaso, the project co-financed by the European Union and aimed to redefine the teenagers’ relationship with food and sport, really gets going: how are the adolescents reacting?

Food allergies reach epidemic levels in the United States

Food allergies reach epidemic levels in the United States

The Food Allergy Research & Education organisation reports that 1 in 13 children are affected by food allergies in the United States, while the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that these have increased among children by an astonishing 50% between 1997 and 2011. Experts blame this upsurge on the quality of the

How to stop the global obesity pandemic

How to stop the global obesity pandemic

Obesity is no longer a concern solely of higher income, developed countries. The prevalence of obesity and overweight has risen in all regions, including in low-income countries. Today, nearly half of all countries are struggling with both undernutrition and overweight/obesity. Indeed, undernutrition and obesity often co-exist in the same communities – even in the same household.

A pear a day to stay slim

A pear a day to stay slim

A study conducted by the Lousiana State University reveals that those who eat a pear a day are slimmer than those who don’t do so. This, despite they have the same calorie intake and do the same amount of physical activity.

Daikon, to lose weight “at the root”

Daikon, to lose weight “at the root”

Originally a radish native to Asia, daikon is harvested since a few years even in Europe. It looks like a big white carrot but it is a radish belonging to the cabbage family, Brassicaceae, with turnip-like leaves.     Daikon has many unbelievable therapeutic virtues and it is rich in nutrients. It is high in

Resveratrol in fruit helps lose weight

Resveratrol in fruit helps lose weight

A team of researchers at the Washington State University revealed that grapes, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and apples, rich in resveratrol, burn fat in excess. Here is how.