Alaska, a village will have to relocate due to climate change
The inhabitants of Shishmaref, a small village in the heart of Alaska, have decided to relocate their town due to rising sea levels.
The inhabitants of Shishmaref, a small village in the heart of Alaska, have decided to relocate their town due to rising sea levels.
American marine biologist James Estes has recently unveiled that sea otters, marine mammals native to the coasts of the North Pacific Ocean, contribute to saving our planet. His research, recently published in the book Serendipity: An Ecologist’s Quest to Understand Nature, observes wildlife behaviour through the interactions of predators with prey populations. Such synergies, called trophic
A team of scientists recorded the excruciating sounds of glaciers melting. Different artists sampled them and transformed them into songs.
Il mese di giugno di quest’anno ha fatto registrare nuovamente un caldo record a livello mondiale, secondo i dati pubblicati dalla Noaa.
La costruzione dell’immensa centrale idroelettrica di Belo Monte ha avuto un impatto terribile su pesci, morti a tonnellate, e tartarughe. E di conseguenza sui pescatori locali.
L’isola di Jean Charles, a causa dell’aumento dei livelli del mare, è ormai quasi completamente inghiottita dalle acque. La piccola comunità che ci vive è costretta ad abbandonarla.
Over 560 billion litres (150 billion gallons) of water from Lake Okeechobee in the US state of Florida have flewn into the delicate ecosystems of the St. Lucie River and Indian River Lagoon since January 2016. This has caused an explosion in the blooming of blue-green algae, also called cyanobacteria, which can be dangerous to human and
Siccità, incendi e parassiti stanno decimando le straordinarie foreste della Sierra Nevada ad un ritmo senza precedenti.
Il pianista italiano ha aderito alla campagna di Greenpeace per la difesa dell’Artico e si è esibito in un’insolita performance fra i ghiacci del Polo Nord.
The Bramble Cay melomys was the only mammal endemic to the Great Barrier Reef. The rodent has gone extinct because of rising sea levels.