Moroccan salad

Moroccan salad

Ingredients 300 g of carrots 2 cups of cooked chickpeas 100 g of prunes juice of a half lemon 4/5 leaves of fresh mint half teaspoonful of cumin seeds cayenne pepper 1 teaspoonful of acacia honey toasted almond flakes rose petals extra virgin olive oil marine salt     Preparation Pan-fry the cumin seeds for

Climate change: how food will disappear from our table

Climate change: how food will disappear from our table

Carrots, aubergines, strawberries, lemons, potatoes, lentils. Climate change will modify the quality of numerous food products in the next decades, according to an Australian study, published in March by the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, in collaboration with WWF. The research shows how the taste of some fruits and vegetables will significantly change due to temperature

Three scrumptious purées without potatoes

Three scrumptious purées without potatoes

Sedano rapa e salvia   Ingredienti 2 teste di sedano rapa 1 tazza scarsa di latte parzialmente scremato una manciata di foglie di salvia fresca olio extra vergine di oliva sale marino integrale pepe nero da macinare    Foto ©   Preparazione Portate una pentola di acqua a bollire a fuoco medio-alto. Sbucciare e tagliare

Vegetarian meatloaf

Vegetarian meatloaf

Ingredients for 4-6 people 400 g of potatoes 300 g of French beans 2 carrots 2 courgettes 3 eggs 2 leeks 1 onion 4 spoonfuls of tomato pulp 180 g of grated Parmesan cheese 2 spoonfuls of minced parsley breadcrumbs 1 clove of garlic nutmeg black pepper to grind extra virgin olive oil    

Cream soup with carrots and cinnamon

Cream soup with carrots and cinnamon

Ingredients for 4 servings   500 g of carrots 200 g of potatoes 3 small leeks 3 laurel leaves 1 sprig of thyme 1 spoonful of powdered cinnamon 2 teaspoonful of brown whole sugar extra virgin olive oil salt pepper   Preparation   Bring to a boil a litre of water in a big pot.

Carrots: better raw or cooked?

Carrots: better raw or cooked?

It is well known that carrots are so good for you; this vegetable, which is rich in beta-carotene and other carotenoids, is considered one of the best anti-cancer foods, due to its antioxidant, immune stimulating and anti-aging properties. They also help regulating the intestine, they improve night vision and make your cheeks red because the