Resveratrol in fruit helps lose weight

Resveratrol in fruit helps lose weight

A team of researchers at the Washington State University revealed that grapes, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and apples, rich in resveratrol, burn fat in excess. Here is how.

14 foods that make you look older

14 foods that make you look older

1 Sweets When people consume more sugar than their cells can synthetize, excess sugar molecules bond with proteins and trigger a process that can affect the skin collagen (the protein that keeps the skin elastic and youthful). Also, sugar damages teeth causing tooth decay and discoloration. 2 Alcohol “When your liver is functioning well, toxins

Lutein, green anti-ageing

Lutein, green anti-ageing

By eating spinach and cabbage you are going to have elastic and hydrated skin because of lutein, which protects you from the oxidant action of time and the sun. But only if you don’t smoke and drink alcohol.

Little secrets for beautiful eyes

Little secrets for beautiful eyes

The eye contour area is extremely delicate and skin becomes thinner and thinner as it approaches the eyes. Irritations are more common with the beautiful season, due to the blinding sunlight from which eyes should be protected with sunscreen and sunglasses, but also to pollen and allergies that affect ocular mucosa thus causing eye watering

Shiitake mushroom, elixir of life

Shiitake mushroom, elixir of life

The Shiitake (Lentinus Edodes) is an edible mushroom native to the Far East which was consumed in Ancient China even before the spread of rice cultivation. It was also one of the main ingredients of Japanese cuisine for centuries. Its name is composed by the Japanese words Shii (oak tree) and Take (mushroom), because it

Turmeric, the spice that keeps us young

Turmeric, the spice that keeps us young

Turmeric is a tropical root already well-known in medicine for its many healing properties and its long and culinary tradition in the East.   Lately, it has been object of study for its anti-ageing properties: laboratory analysis conducted by Italian researchers at CNR in Catania, the University of Catania and the University of Pavia as